
Dr. Marie Whitt / Strength Coach and Physical Therapist for Runners

Hey runner, I'm Marie, @drwhittfit. Never feel like all your hard work was all for nothing ever again. I coach strength training for runners, helping YOU identify your weaknesses and fix them with strength exercises designed for runners to help you build the exact strength you need to run your best, strongest, fastest, most injury-resilient race yet. Subscribe and come join the Running Fit Fam!

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MEGA Hamstring Circuit: Prevent Race Season Injuries!

I still remember that one race... I was coming around the final turn and just felt "a hitch" in my right hamstring (and groin if I'm honest). I didn't stop; I didn't need to. But it made me come off the gas. And I lost my place in the race. That last thing I want for you this race season is to encounter a similar "hitch". A weird niggle that makes you stop and ask yourself, "is my check engine light on?" But maybe your blessed by the running gods and your hamstrings never give you any trouble...

Can you guess what the most common running injuries are? Ankle & foot. (I lump calf injuries into there, too) I mean, think about it... your feet are absorbing the impact of you being hurdled back to the ground (probably on concrete too) repeatedly for hours stride after stride... And our usual foot and ankle injury prevention method is "hope and pray". lolsss. Don't feel bad though. Because really, "foot and ankle strengthening exercises" aren't sexy or flashy. Especially compared to BQs,...

The best part: it's NOT to good to be true ;) I was working with some runners recently and I started to notice a trend... A looooong list of strength exercises. Let me explain, because I did the same thing. In 2020, during the height of 'Rona, I had time again to run after 2 years of quite literally not having enough time to eat, sleep, work, and workout for myself. But I found out quickly how weak I was. And how much strengthening I had to do. I looked back at previously running journals,...

Settle in, because I want to *really* answer your question... This is the perk of getting running fit fam emails right to your inbox. We get to chat and really dive deep (more than the 30 secs Instagram gives me lol). WHAT IS STRENGTH BASE BUILDING FOR RUNNERS? Now, I could be wrong, so please, email me back and correct me... But I think most runners see strength base building as: roughly 2 months of off season. time set aside to deliberately run less or run more for fun and lift more...

Got 5 minutes? I deliberately made this dynamic ankle warm up fast and furious because you never know... we could always have another round of "fake fall" and get slammed again with hot, humid, slogging runs. So we have grab every minute and mile we can! Get the warm up in, done, and get out the door! But in all seriousness... I struggle with occasional tight, twingy ankles too. In fact, I'm probably a record holder for "the most ankle sprains in a year". Yes, my feet are flat, my ankles are...

Tight hamstrings are a butt. So naturally, you stretch them. But. It. Doesn't. Work. So you try again. A different stretch. A different angle. Maybe things feel better for a time. But're stuck in a loop like ground hog day. And you're left wondering, how hard can this possibly be? You're not crazy, I promise. The Truth: Your hamstrings might not actually be tight. They might be weak. Trying to protect something or the nerves that run through your legs might be trying to protect you....

Talk about REPEAT OFFENDERS... especially during race season. Regardless of what distance you're chasing this fall, you're probably dealing with one of these. Inside scoop you're getting as the running fit fam: When I'm working with runners in the clinic or one-on-one, we always check: hip mobility and ankle mobility. I know, they seem world away from each other, separated by an entire leg and a knee. But both science-y running research papers and the strength world backs this up: Strength...

It's true. Even as a Doctor of Physical Therapy and a runner of 15+ years... I know a thing or two. But I sure don't know everything. One of my favorite things to do on Instagram and Threads is to literally ask you all for advice on different running topics. running in the outrageous summer heat which shoes to use for hill work (speed shoe vs cushioned shoe was quite the debate) what you wish you knew before you started running the list goes on... And all are GOOD. But what's even...

Let's be honest... Some of the strength training you see from running influencers can be...exciting to watch And not entirely practical. It's super cool to see what the pros or even stellar amateur runners are doing! But we can get ourselves into trouble trying to chase or keep up with strava-fame. So here me out... This week's circuit is for 3 different runners. (and if one of these isn't you right now, please still stick around.) But I wanted to make something different. new. and very...

I hear a lot from you all: I know I *should* strength train, but I don't know HOW to fit it into marathon training. I hear you: marathon training is a balancing act in itself. And then, I come in here and tell you to DO EVEN MORE? I know; who has time for this? But...that's just it. Strength Training EBS and FLOWS just like Marathon Training. Meaning, it's not crazy intense the entire time. Here me out: most runners describe the first 2 months of marathon training (even half marathon...