No. 1 Running Injury I Treat: How to PREVENT IT!

Can you guess what the most common running injuries are?

Ankle & foot. (I lump calf injuries into there, too)

I mean, think about it...

  • your feet are absorbing the impact of you being hurdled back to the ground (probably on concrete too)
  • repeatedly for hours
  • stride after stride...

And our usual foot and ankle injury prevention method is "hope and pray".


Don't feel bad though.

Because really, "foot and ankle strengthening exercises" aren't sexy or flashy.

Especially compared to BQs, new running shoes, fancy recovery tools like...

Yes, massage guns are helpful.

Sidekicks are nifty too!

Soft tissue mobilization tools (that's what those are) are often the first thing runners reach for when we encounter foot or ankle pain.

And these can definitely be helpful: lengthening shortened, guarded muscle tissues, helping increase circulation, and in general, taking away discomfort.

(No body wants to be in pain; I get it.)

But the real magic isn't just in the tools.

It's in the after-care; the exercises.

If you're a runner whose ever struggled with Achilles tendinopathy, plantar fascia issues, post tib tendinopathy, peroneal issues etc...then you know the stretches feel nice. They can take away the pain for a while.

But in the long run, these issues can come back. Maybe not the next day; but maybe next training cycle.

All the fun recovery tools in the world can't make up for what right strength exercises can do.

And this super-duper applies to feet and ankle exercises.

So with Fall marathon season creeping up fast, let me drop you some runner-specific foot and calf exercises that can help clear up any aches and niggles that might be making you sweat.

You can still use all your recovery tools and stretches if you want! But don't forget to your homework, too ;)

Let's check it out together HERE.

Dare to Train Differently,

Marie Whitt, PT, DPT //

P.S. TL; DR. Fall races are coming. And so are foot and ankle injuries. Don't let those stop you. Because their STUPID and you've worked too hard for this. Fix your feet HERE!

Looking for MORE ways to work together?

  • NEW! RUNNING RESCUE CALL: Save your run and your race at the first sign of an ache, niggle, or repeat running injury. Let's work together 1-on-1 with these coaching calls to create a personalized exercise program that gets you out of pain, keeps you running, and helps prepare you for your next race day!
  • Grab one of my FREE Strength resources for runners: FREE STRONGER RUNNER 14 DAY Strength Challenge: done-for-you FREE 14 days of programmed strength exercises specifically for runners! (all in one, easy-access app!) or my FREE Strength Guide for Runners (a low tech, pdf download you can get started with immediately!)
  • GET ON THE WAITLIST for RACE READY: my one-on-one 16 week strength coaching program designed for marathon runners and personalized around your training plan. Run better, longer, stronger, faster, & injury-free!
  • STRONGER FEET WORKSHOP: Losing the battle to plantar fasciitis, posterior tib pain, or reoccurring Achilles tendonitis? Not with this workshop ;)

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Dr. Marie Whitt / Strength Coach and Physical Therapist for Runners

Hey runner, I'm Marie, @drwhittfit. Never feel like all your hard work was all for nothing ever again. I coach strength training for runners, helping YOU identify your weaknesses and fix them with strength exercises designed for runners to help you build the exact strength you need to run your best, strongest, fastest, most injury-resilient race yet. Subscribe and come join the Running Fit Fam!

Read more from Dr. Marie Whitt / Strength Coach and Physical Therapist for Runners

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